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Stop writing off bad debts and lost income to a cost of doing business, and take action to collect the money you’re owed. We are highly experienced in all aspects of debt recovery, from demands and payment negotiations to litigation.

Will you need to go to court for debt recovery?

Many people avoid making debt recovery claims as they don’t want to go through a court battle. In most matters, our clients are able to protect their cash flow and maximise the amount of money they will recover without going to court. Often we are able to get results with early demands, or we can negotiate a payment plan or settlement. If the matter does reach the litigation stage, the court can order judgement against the debtor. The judgement may include legal costs and interest.

If the debtor does not pay after judgment, a range of procedures may be available to recover the debt, including:

  • Seeking a court order seizing the debtor’s property
  • Seeking a court order for garnisheeing of the debtor’s wages, or
  • Petitioning the debtor for bankruptcy (for an individual) or winding up proceedings (for a company).

What can the solicitors at Butlers do for you?

We have experience in conducting debt recovery matters for a wide variety of organisations, from employment agencies, to smash repairers, to liquidators. Our debt recovery services include:

  • Issuing letters of demand
  • Obtaining a judgment against debtors
  • Summoning a debtor for oral examination at court to explain their financial position
  • Enforcing judgments using instalment orders, garnishee orders, and bankruptcy or corporate insolvency proceedings
  • Assisting you with risk management in of commercial transactions and contractual agreements
  • Representing you in proceedings in the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal, Local Court, District Court and Supreme Court
  • Drafting agreements to protect you from debt recovery issues in the future

Our solicitors at Butlers Business & Law are the experts in debt recovery in Sydney and Newcastle. We’ll provide the trusted advice you need and act on your behalf to collect the money that’s owed to you and keep your business on track.