An easement is a legal right to cross or otherwise use someone else's land (or part thereof) for a specified purpose.
The relationship which should be registered soon after the right materialises, is usually by agreement (and formalised between the parties by deed), imposed by an authority or court ordered.
The legal jargon in respect of each title is somewhat confusing, and the following terms are commonly used:
Examples of easements and restrictions on the use of land, include:
Unregistered easements and restrictions cause some concerns because they are usually based on an agreement entered between neighbouring property owners but are not registered (or available to be searched on public record). If you purchase a property with an unregistered dealing, you will must still comply with it despite it having been entered by the previous owner. This may cause considerable restrictions in the manner in which you can use your land. You may be able to sue the previous owner for damages.
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